vrijdag 22 juli 2011

Impressions from Shiraz

We have managed to download a free proxy server, so we can access Twitter, Facebook and Blogger again (and do a google search and read the BBC website again...).
A big thanks to Niels, our son who stayed in the Netherlands and did most of the uploading and putting tweets on our twitter account.
You're not done yet Niels, the proxy server is really crappy (as is the internet) so we do need your help! We should be okay once we reach Turkey, next week.

With our trip to Shiraz, our journey back home actually finally really started. We don't count the paperwork-nightmare days in Bandar Abbas as part of the journey. I suggest we simply forget about it. Khalas!

We're in a picturesque hotel in Shiraz but the bed-mattress is not very picturesque...
The province of Fars, also known as the cradle of civilization.
We've spend our day yesterday exploring the city of Shiraz and today visited the ancient city of Persepolis and the tomb of Darius the Great, King of Kings.

It's fascinating to be a tourist in a country that is not the obvious touristic location but does have lot of beautiful historical and cultural sites to offer. Although we have met many other travellers, we haven't met any families, like us, only backpackers. We definitely create lots of stares and comments. Sometimes, people actually politely approach us and ask us if they are allowed to take a picture of us. Many of them just simply welcome us, putting their hand on their chest and bending their head.
Iranian people are by far most the friendliest people we have ever came accross.
We have stopped to try to act as a tourist. You can't hide it anyway and you might as well walk around with the Lonely Planet Guide and your camera.
Hope you enjoy our pictures, showing you our impression of Shiraz.
Tomorrow we will be leaving Shiraz again, travelling to Yazd, one step closer to home in Leiden...
Keep following us and sponsor our good cause!

Family picture in Shriraz

kid playing in the mosque

Mullah in the Mosque

This is by so far Onno's favorite picture

parking lot at the hotel, also very picturesque...

buying sunflowers for Noelle

Persepolis entrance

our car at the tomb of the King of Kings, Darius

taking the kids on a long, hot and early day of sightseeing has exhausted them

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