maandag 20 juni 2011

Car is back home

My car is back home again. I had to bring it in for service and some minor repairs. After dropping off the car at the service center, I am courteously driven back in a minivan to my house. I will now be without transport for two whole days.
Being without transport in Bahrain is a challenge: biking is no option and public transport is not developed yet. Noelle and I eat leftovers twice and I can't really leave my home.
Finally, today I can pick up my car again. I receive two phone calls in a half an hour about the car being ready for pick up. A driver brings me to the service center.
I almost sign the wrong forms. First I have to pay, then I receive a ticket to pick up my car. This is normal in the Middle East.
When I'm lined up at the cashier, waiting for my turn, another client is getting agitated about the slow service he's receiving. "I am in a hurry." he explains me.
I don't notice anything about slow service. I'm being helped excellent, pay my bill, receive a ticket to pick up the car and someone jumps from his chair to serve me.
"Which color is your car?" he wants to know as we walk towards the door.
"Light blue." I tell him "but I like red too, so if you find a nice red Honda CRV, please do take that one for me."
He smiles and runs out the door.
"Drive careful!"I yell at him "I need to drive back to Europe with it."
Within two minutes he's back with my car. When I get in, I see the other man still waiting for his car. I open my window.
"Still no car?" I ask him. He nodds his head, throwing away his sigaret.
"I wish you a safe trip back to Europe." he says, "hope all goes well, Inshalah'
When I enter the highway, over the bridge from Sitra to the main land, I turn on my radio. My favorite BBC has disappeared and instead I hear loud Arab music.

 Ah well, why not, it might help me to get into my travel mood...


1 opmerking:

  1. Zo toe maar, ook meteen tweetalig! Ga je dat volhouden? Goh wat spannend allemaal. Ik zit hier tussen de dozen, bijna ingebouwd met mijn laptopje ;-) Ach het went nooit!
