woensdag 10 augustus 2011

From Sofia to Budapest

From Sofia to Budapest was an ambitious trip, but we want to head home now. We're all tired and we have loads to do once we get back. As our journey progresses, we start thinking about the next chapter in our life: Thijs' new job, the new school for the children, Niels leaving the house starting his study in Maastricht and our new house for which we receive the key in a month time.
All exciting new things happening in our life and all things we look forward to.

There are however a few more places we want to briefly visit: Budapest and Prague.
The trip from Sofia to Budapest is a more than 750 km ride and we could never foresee that the border stop to leave Serbia would be such a delay.
Getting into to Serbia wasn't a big deal, but leaving it was a nightmare: we lined up with thousands of other cars and there seemed no end to the huge line waiting for the boots ahead. Thijs complained that even crossing Saudi borders was more efficient.
As we approached the line we were swarmed by beggers: young children and teenagers (with younger chilren) all begging for money. They knocked on our windows, kept talking despite us waving them away. The kids felt uneasy to see this: children their age making a living out of begging.
Some fat Germans (obviously very busy eating) in a similar fat car lowered their windows and started handing out coins to the crowd. Thanks to people like this, the problem persists...

We spend a total of 3 hours waiting in line and once it was our turn we handed our passports to the most unfriendly lady we have seen in our entire trip. Heavy make up, botox-lips, uninterested look and obviously not pleased. I'm sure she's pissed up about Mladic being a guest in our country being tried for war crimes against humanity...
Many cars were looked through with unimpressive thorough search tactics: "luggage?" the lady asked Thijs. "Camping stuff, normal stuff, clothing." Thijs said. (and a lamp from Istanbul, and 6 pair of shoes, and three Saint Christopher Year books, and millions of phone and gadget chargers, and 5 different travel guides, and presents and a huge bag of dirty clothes).
"Anything to declare?" What the hell are we supposed to declare when we leave a country??? I thought you declare goods when you go in?
Yes, please, let's leave Serbia, not my favourite place on earth...

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